By the age of 13, Stoul already had a tenacious plan: the young
Parisienne would become a painter. The École Boulle felt like the
natural choice and, by 21, she had already held her first exhibition at
the Regional Institute of Social Work (IRTS) in Montrouge. But then she
embarked on her alternative period, with the lure of artists’ squats and
underground culture. Soon thereafter, she exhibited various works at 59
Rivoli. The streets and their hardship inspired her; she created her
feline women, graceful and malignant at once, first borrowing Japanese
traits; then, drawing on a more eclectic vintage influence.
In 2013, she discovered a new direction through the introduction of
Origami into her work. Her women grew more geometric, and Stoul herself
became increasingly fascinated by architecture and volume, which is when
her “ORU” works appeared. Stoul has gradually abandoned her graphic
characters in favour of more abstract, more structured work. Her driving
force is constant re-newal.